JFK 50 Miler

May 13th, 2010 - Track - Chelmsford, MA - 3.1

Day 133 - Went to track, but I was there to just put in my mileage and to annoy the others putting in a real workout. Goal was to run around marathon pace for my 5K.

By the time I got there a little after 6PM, Glenn and Jim were already herding the cats around the track. They had about 10 different groups running about 60 different workouts. I thought Glenn was going to choke himself with all of the stop watches around his neck. I offered my assistance, but they both made it look like everything was under control.

I got onto the track and did a few laps to warmup.

It looked like everybody from GLRR was here tonight. The track was packed with members, non-members, and soon-to-be-converted non-members.

I finished my workout and shot the breeze with a few of the guys that had already finished. Most of them (those that raced on Tuesday) did a fast workout of 10 x 200's. This would have been a fun workout if I wasn't already committed to Sugarloaf on Sunday. The rest of the herd opted for the longer workout of 8 x 1000's.

Fil, Frank, Tom, Glenn, Liane (and her husband, Ed), Keith, and myself went to Willow's afterwards and had a great time eating the god damn hottest pizza I've ever tasted! It's even worse coming out the other end.

Finalized negotiations (one-sided) with Rachel, in order for me to run Sugarloaf on Sunday, late tonight. I am now required to look at apts/houses all day Saturday, which will force me to drive the 4+ hours up to Kingfield, ME by myself. Sorry, Glenn.

Time to download some more audio books.

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