JFK 50 Miler

Oct 20th, 2010 - Training - Tewksbury --> Tyngsboro, MA - 13.5

Day 293 - Recovering pretty well, and surprising quickly, since Bay State on Sunday. No pains other than a little tenderness in my left knee, but that might be because I just banged my knee into my desk a few minutes ago.

I think I've mentally gotten over the "mystique" of the marathon distance, and my body and mind have adapted in turn.

Two years ago, I never thought I could ever run a BQ, but just in the past year, I've managed to run a sub BQ time in 6 out of 7 marathons, with a poor showing at NYC 2009 being the only exception. This past run at Bay State really felt like a long training run. Nowhere along the route did I feel like I was going to cramp up or bonk, as it had so often happened in the past.

I guess It's like anything in life, you expose yourself to it enough times and your body and mind will eventually adapt.

Now if only I can get use to this damn cold!

(Bring on the Fudgicle Series)


  1. This post sounds oddly familiar... :P

  2. I said mystique, you said mythical! :D

  3. So you did read that post! Copycat!!! hahahaha

  4. I think I'm over the mystique of the marathon too. I don't think there is anything especially difficult about the distance itself...I think it's possible to do quite a few of them in a short period of time as long as you don't race all of them as hard as you can. After doing Clarence DeMar and BayState three weeks apart, my feeling is that the best way to train for a marathon is to do at least one other run of at least marathon distance. So if you are doing a 50 miler, I'd keep doing stuff like this. I would keep the long runs at a pace so that you can continue to recover fast and keep training.
